Small business help and learning
Find learning content for everyone in your small business to succeed for Microsoft 365. Learn how to collaborate with your team, connect with your customers, and stay organized with these dedicated resources for small businesses.
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Explore the Microsoft 365 Business Standard license that supports up to a maximum of 300 users. Learn more about pricing, features, and requirements.
Microsoft 365 for SMB on YouTube
Explore the Microsoft 365 for small business YouTube channel for short clips on how to get your small business set up for success.
Get started with Microsoft Copilot for small and medium business
We have created the Copilot Success Kit for Small and Medium Business with the reference guidance we believe will help you to be successful. This kit includes an implementation guide, quick start guide for users, checklist for success and onboarding email templates. This guidance will allow you to safely and successfully embark upon your journey to AI transformation.