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Developers are key to helping build people-centric, cross-platform productivity experiences that extend Microsoft 365 even deeper into your organization. Drive the integrations that power the new modern workplace and help integrate and inspire the future of work.

Get started

Build solutions

Harness the power of the Microsoft 365 developer platform, which spans Microsoft Teams, Office, Graph, SharePoint, and more, to build apps tailored to the precise needs of your role, company, or industry. Developing these productivity experiences for your organization will help drive adoption and create solutions that redefine the way you collaborate and connect. Join the Microsoft 365 Developer program to get a free sandbox and tools to start building now.

Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program


Connect with other developers

Join the Office 365 Developer group in the Microsoft Tech Community and connect with other like-minded technologists to share code samples, learn about the latest dev trends, and more.

Join the Office 365 Developer community

Next step

Empower citizen developers

With the creation of more low code/no code solutions, you can help evangelize and inspire a new group of developers within your organization. By supporting citizen developers, you can help empower business users to create their own solutions. This allows engineering resources to focus on other initiatives and reduces the development backlog.

Read more about this IT Showcase story

Partner Solution Gallery

Are you looking to provide your users, or customers, a custom experience in Microsoft Teams? Explore our gallery of Microsoft Teams partner solutions and learn how to take your business to the next level.

Learn more

Broadening your horizons

Curious about how you can learn more about other role types and how we all contribute to the success of others? Explore and learn more to see where you may want to grow your skills or gain a deeper understanding of other roles:



Champions help build, grow, and sustain the Microsoft 365 rollout and solutions by evangelizing and helping their peers with modern technology. See their superpowers from the topics below:
Learn – Service Adoption is at the heart of being a successful champion. Get certified today!
See – Browse our adoption guides to share the importance of our services with your stakeholders.
Do – Connect with other Champions to share best practices, learn from an open and welcoming community, and find new sparks of innovation to help champion adoption!

Business User

Business User

Business Users collaborate with all other roles to get the work done and achieve the organization’s goals. Learn more by diving into some topics below:
Learn – How Business Users leverage applications to move the organization forward.
See – Success stories from organizations around the world and how Microsoft 365 solutions have impacted their business.
Do – How are Business Users enabling and thriving with remote work and join the discussion space to learn more.

IT Professional

IT Professional

IT Professionals are supporting and delivering the new world of an always available Modern Workplace. Learn how they do it by starting with the topics below:
Learn – Start from a beginning path and learn how IT Professionals support the technology going into the Modern Workplace.
See – What comes next for the solutions we use today, and visit the roadmap to understand how features and update are delivered to the Microsoft 365 platform.
Do – Participate in an open and welcoming community that empowers global technologists to positively impact humanity through technology.
