How Microsoft does IT

Learn deployment and enablement best practices directly from the Microsoft Digital, our IT organization who empowers our workforce.

Use Viva Amplify to rollout Copilot

Learn how Microsoft Digital used Viva Amplify for our own Copilot rollout and user enablement.

Download the guide

Enabling Microsoft 365 Copilot

Get insights from Inside Track on how Microsoft enabled and deployed Copilot internally.

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Microsoft Champions for the win

Champions provide support and guidance across the workforce.

Learn more

Microsoft and AI

Microsoft Digital is using the advent of generative AI to reexamine and transform our entire IT infrastructure. The rapid advancement of AI is enabling us to rethink every dimension of IT, from the apps, workflows, and services that power our employee experience, to the network, infrastructure and devices that power our employee productivity.

Read the articles below to discover more on how AI is changing everything at Microsoft, including our approach to core IT.

Microsoft’s partnerships with
works councils

Learn from Microsoft’s deployments and partnerships with various works councils on the products below.

Microsoft 365 CopilotViva GoalsViva LearningViva PulseViva Manager Insights

Microsoft Viva for user enablement

Understand how the Viva’s powerful suite of tools supported our internal deployment and drove user enablement.

Learn moreMore Viva resources

Foundational governance guidance

Good governance of Microsoft 365 precedes great adoption of all our services.

Governance insights from Microsoft DigitalView our guidanceTake the learning pathMicrosoft Mechanics - Loop deep diveCompliance support