Retail Associate guide
Jessica is a retail associate for Contoso Clothes, a retail store that sells trendy clothes for men and women.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a retail associate using Microsoft Lists
1:30 pm
Jessica arrives for her afternoon shift and begins stocking an order of dresses and sandals that just came in. To keep track of inventory levels, Jessica takes out her phone and opens the inventory tracking list: a Microsoft List stored in the store’s Teams channel. She adds the new items and quantities to the list.
3:10 pm
A customer asks Jessica if any other locations carry his size in the shoes he picked out. Jessica opens their store contacts list to check with other Contoso Clothes store locations. All hyperlinked to launch a Teams call, she contacts a few others to ask about inventory. She’s in luck – a nearby store has the shoes! Jessica lets the customer know
5:00 pm
Jessica notices that inventory for one of their dresses is low. She sends a message to Martin, the store manager, to let him know. Martin places a new order and adds the estimated delivery date to the inventory tracking list.
9:05 pm
It’s been a busy day at the store, and now it’s time to close down for the night. Jessica pulls up the store’s closing checklist to start the evening routine. She begins folding clothes while Martin works on the cash register.
9:15 pm
Jessica finishes arranging the accessory table and cleaning the store. She selects the “Restock accessories” and “Clean store” checkboxes on her closing checklist to mark them as complete.
9:30 pm
Martin finishes closing out the cash register. All items in the closing checklist are now marked complete. Jessica clocks out with Martin and they lock up the store. Time to go home for the day!
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Microsoft Lists is a Microsoft 365 app that helps you track information and organize work.