Education guide
Meet Ed, a science professor. In addition to teaching, he manages the science curriculum. With Microsoft Search and Office 365 he’s productive and saves time all day long.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a professor using Microsoft Search
8:30 am
Before heading to campus, Ed searches “my calendar” to see his schedule. He has time for a cup of coffee!
8:45 am
While drinking his coffee, he searches “my conversations” to read the latest about the proposed curriculum.
9:30 am
Ed needs to update the deck based on the chat feedback. He searches “my files,” finds it, and starts editing.
10:00 am
Next, he wants to follow up with a prof from the chat. Ed searches for her in PowerPoint and messages her.
10:45 am
During office hours, a student asks about remote learning. Ed searches and quickly finds the school’s policy.
11:30 am
Ed’s meeting has moved and his schedule is tight. He checks the building’s floor plan so he won’t get lost.
2:15 pm
Walking to his meeting, a student asks when the Dean’s List will be up. A quick mobile search finds the bookmark.
3:30 pm
A colleague has just published a new book. Ed searches Bing to see the latest reviews—and orders a copy
4:30 pm
He gets an invite to the “SCIP Forum.” He searches “SCIP” and gets a definition plus last year’s event report.
5:00 pm
Ed’s department head messages to tell him “great job on today’s presentation.” He signs off with a smile.
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