Using Copilot in Sustainability

Teams focused on sustainability initiatives are challenged to embed sustainability into core business strategies and then obtain the investment needed to implement change and measure success. They must also keep up with changing reporting regulations.

Download the Sustainability scenarios kit
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Microsoft Copilot opportunity to impact key functional area KPIs

Review our KPI overviews and view additional scenario details.

Sustainable sourcing

Assesses the percentage of materials and products sourced from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers.

Recycling rates

Assesses the volume of waste produced and the effectiveness of recycling programs.

Energy consumption

Tracks the total energy used across all operations, aiming to identify areas for efficiency improvements.

Carbon footprint

Measures the total greenhouse gas emissions produced directly and indirectly by the organization.

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Transform Sustainability processes

Key processes Before AI Using AI
Operations and managementDelays in diagnosing and resolving operational issues, leading to extended downtimes and potential safety hazards.

Develop your operational strategy

ReportingEnsuring data quality and timeliness of reporting requires a lot of resources.

Simplify the process of collecting and reporting on sustainability initiatives

Sustainability roles