Using Copilot in Operations

Modern operations teams grapple with rising talent costs, supply chain issues, and the imperative of digital transformation. To thrive, operational leaders must explore ways to streamline or automate internal processes and enhance efficiency.​

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Microsoft Copilot opportunity to impact key functional area KPIs

Review our KPI overviews and view additional scenario details.

Operational efficiency

By streamlining processes, optimizing resources, or identifying bottlenecks, Copilot can help inform decision making and drive productivity.

Manage risk

By identifying anomalies, suggesting preventive measures, and streamlining processes, Copilot enhances operational reliability and minimizes risks.

Employee satisfaction

Leverage Microsoft’s Copilot to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver exceptional service, ensuring employee satisfaction.​

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Transform Operations processes

Key processes Before AI Using AI
PlanningDemand forecasting and supply chain management require extensive analysis and collaboration.Create a supplier RFP​Create a change management plan

Speed the process and accuracy of creating an RFP.

ReportingEnsuring data quality and timeliness of reporting requires a lot of resources.Conduct a business reviewSimplify tasks for operations employees (Microsoft Copilot only)

Plan and execute a business review meeting.

SchedulingResource allocation requires collaboration and communication among many teams.Execute a project review​

Collect and report on project information.