Marketing scenario: Collect and share product feedback​

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Potential benefits

Increase brand value

First draft faster

Enhanced quality

Using Copilot to collect and share product feedback​

1. Summarize interviews​

Engage with customer to understand their triumphs and challenges with the product through recorded interviews.​

Microsoft Teams icon

Copilot in Teams

Be present during your customer interview by relying on Copilot in Teams for transcription and summary.​

2. Draft customer messages​

Continue the conversation with your customer by sending a timely and thorough follow up email, capturing your earlier call. ​

Outlook icon

Copilot in Outlook

Thank customers by asking Copilot in Outlook to draft a response and drop in bullets from the Copilot meeting summary.​

3. Identify themes

Paste Teams summaries into a Word and prompt Copilot to show you themes. Create a follow up survey with Copilot in Microsoft Forms. ​

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Microsoft Forms icon

Copilot in Whiteboard

Don’t start with a blank page again. Draft with Copilot and get to a finished document in a fraction of the time.​

4. Analyze data

Use Copilot in Excel to sort and analyze data gathered from the surveys and website metrics. ​

Excel icon

Copilot in Excel

Identify insights with Copilot in Excel​.

5. Share results

Use Copilot in PowerPoint to create a slide deck to share with the leadership and engineering teams. Use Copilot in Teams to capture action items and feedback. ​

PowerPoint icon

Copilot in PowerPoint

Microsoft Teams icon

Copilot in Teams

Creating a presentations makes it easier to convey a clear message especially when it’s critical feedback on your product. ​

6. Thank your stakeholders

Starting a new email, prompt Copilot in Outlook to draft a message to all key stakeholders with the results and path forward.​

Outlook icon

Copilot in Outlook

Save time preparing emails with Copilot as your drafting partner.​