IT scenario: Document and communicate best practices

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Potential benefits

Skill development

Increase job satisfaction

Faster completion times

Improved documentation quality and accuracy

Using Copilot to document and communicate best practices

1. Document solution

Craft document that outline steps for best practice. In addition, add specific results generated from solution. ​

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Quickly make create draft and pull in data from data sources to support outcomes. ​

2. Get customer information

Using plugins built in Copilot Studio, easily access CRM information to pull customer information that supports best practice impact, such as opportunity pipeline and customer revenue. ​

Copilot Studio icon

Copilot Studio

Rapidly gather critical information to support newly identified best practice. ​

3. Brainstorm ideas

Create list of ideas to optimize best practice. Leverage Copilot to create an initial list. Then categorize all the items at the end of the session. ​

Microsoft Loop icon

Copilot in Loop

Accelerate your project as you plan and collaborate easier with Copilot in Loop. ​

4. Summarize conversations​

Prepare communication and incorporate summaries and action items from previous meeting. ​

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Outlook icon

Copilot in Outlook

Summarize and the latest conversation​s and assign action items.​

5. Create an executive update​

Create a presentation to brief the Leadership Team on this new best practice. Use Copilot to create slides based on the project plan.​

PowerPoint icon

Copilot in PowerPoint

Create a presentation from best practice documentation located in Word. ​

6. Revise support procedures​

Based on the Leadership teams comments revise best practice documents for future use. ​

Word icon

Copilot in Word

Quickly make summarize LT feedback to improve the quality of the best practice documentation. ​