Learning Disabilities guide
Meet Susan, a Sales Account Manager at Contoso who manages major accounts in NYC. When she is not visiting customers, she's typically working from home. Susan also has dyslexia.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a sales account manager with dyslexia using Microsoft Teams
8:00 am
Susan opens her calendar. It’s a coworker’s special day! She opens Yammer to type a Happy Birthday post. She uses dark mode to make it easier to read as she types.
8:00 am
She quickly responds to her morning email, using text predictions, making writing easier and faster!
1:00 pm
Susan joins a Teams meeting to discuss deals in the pipeline. She turns on live captions, which makes it easier for her to follow the conversation.
1:30 pm
After a quick coffee break, she dictates a LinkedIn post announcing openings in her department.
2:00 pm
Susan receives a long memo from her manager; she decides to have Immersive Reader read it aloud. Before she presses play, she increases the font size, adds in syllable markers, and switches line focus to make it easier to follow along.
2:30 pm
She types up her meeting notes, using the Editor feature in Word to find and correct mistakes. She also uses rewrite suggestions and read aloud in spellcheck to make sure she chooses the right spelling corrections.
5:00 pm
Her Outlook reminder chimes, signaling it’s time to leave for her coworker’s birthday celebration.
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