Store scheduling
Store managers and associates can quickly view schedules and be instantly updated on the status of shift swaps and time-off requests.
A day in the life of store managers and associates using Microsoft Teams
8:00 pm
Alex, a retail associate, is returning from vacation and checks her work schedule for next week. She opens the latest schedule in the Shifts app in Teams and reads comments noted by her manager.
Following week
9:00 am

Kerry manages three stores and uses the Shifts app to publish schedules for all of her teams. While traveling between stores, she can quickly check Teams to see who is working that day

10:00 am

Kerry sees Pradeep’s message in Shifts noting he is sick and can’t come in for his shift tomorrow. She calls Pradeep to check on him and then converts his shift to an “open shift”

2:00 pm

David, a store associate, notices the open shift on tomorrow’s
schedule. He is saving up for a birthday trip, so he submits a request
directly in Teams to work the open shift.

2:15 pm

Kerry sees David’s request to work the open shift, approves it, and publishes the update to the store schedule. She sends David a chat in Teams to say thank you and asks him to read the guidance notes she added.

3:00 pm

On her break, Alex finds out that she needs to accompany her mother to a doctor’s appointment during one of her shifts. Alex sends her coworker Milena a shift swap request.

3:10 pm

Kerry is notified that the shift swap request was accepted, so she approves and updates the team schedule right in the Teams mobile app.

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