IT guide
Meet Tim, an IT admin. He manages his company’s intranet and their search experiences. He’s implemented Microsoft Search to help everyone be productive and save time at work.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of an IT admin using Microsoft Search
8:30 am
Tim starts his day from the bus by searching “my calendar” on his phone. His first meeting is at 9:00 AM. Yikes!
9:00 am
His first meeting is about cutting help desk calls. Tim offers to lead the v-team focused on search solutions.
10:00 am
At his desk, Tim uses the Insights dashboard to review the company’s top searches and the latest user feedback.
10:30 am
Next, he sets up a Teams channel for the new v-team. He asks the team for a list of common helpdesk issues.
12:00 pm
Tim starts a list of links that might make good bookmarks for the helpdesk issues. He sends them to the team.
12:15 pm
He’s meeting a friend for lunch. A quick Bing search gives him directions to the restaurant and a menu preview.
1:45 pm
Tim hasn’t met all of the v-team, so he searches everyone’s name to see org charts and office locations.
2:30 pm
Some users have been searching for “EHP.” He adds an acronym answer with all the info. It’ll be live tomorrow!
3:30 pm
Tim leads the first v-team meeting on Teams. They prioritize his bookmark ideas and come up with next steps.
5:00 pm
His boss stops by to tell him she’s getting great feedback from the v-team. That promo is looking promising.
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Get started with Microsoft Search in Bing
Microsoft Search in Bing brings you the best of the web and work in a single experience.