Healthcare guide
Meet Dr. Thomas, an Oncologist at Contoso Health who uses Microsoft Teams to closely collaborate with his medical team to deliver better and more personalized care for his patients.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of an oncologist using Microsoft Teams
7:45 am
While commuting to work, Dr. Thomas gets a notification on his Teams mobile app. A nurse has posted a message on Contoso’s “Oncology Department” Teams “General” channel, asking him to review their patient’s x-ray results.
8:30 am
In his office, Dr. Thomas navigates to his patient’s x-ray and uses the “Start Conversation” feature and @mentions the Radiologist requesting additional information about the results.
9:30 am
Reviews his patient’s channel for updates and conversations. Confirms his 11:30 AM meeting with his team and @mentions a nurse to call his patient and let her know they’ll have x-ray results later in the day.
11:30 am
Dr. Thomas joins the Teams meeting to discuss the patient’s condition with the Radiologist and Nurse.
12:30 pm
After his meeting, Dr. Thomas gets additional information from the Power BI dashboard and postmeeting conversations in Teams. He messages the Radiologist with questions and confirms results.
2:00 pm
Dr. Thomas responds to an @mentioned conversation via Teams agreeing with the medical team’s assessment on his patient. Follows up with a call to his patient to discuss her x-ray results.
3:00 pm
Dr. Thomas’ and team meet to get the most up-to-date status on all the patients under their care. He shares concerns about current wait times and identifies quality of care issues using the Power BI dashboard to visualize trends. The team organizes their ideas and plans for next steps using the Planner tab on their “Oncology Department” Teams site.
5:30 pm
Before his day is complete, he assigns new tasks on any outstanding concerns for his patients to his colleagues that are covering over night through @mentions in the conversation tab.
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